Getting Around Cortona

Main Streets, Squares, & City Gates 

Navigating Cortona on foot is easy once you understand how the city is laid out. Cortona is an ancient city that is still surrounded by its old medieval and Etruscan walls. Being a historic city center, Cortona is predominantly pedestrian - primarily residents, taxis, and official vehicles can drive inside the city walls.  You can only enter the city through one of its seven entrances.  These gates are located at the end of the main roads - most of which lead to the center of town where Piazza della Repubblica and Piazza Luca Signorelli are located.

Topography of Cortona

Public Restrooms in Cortona

There are public restrooms in Cortona, but you may not want to use them. Sometimes they are well kept and have no issues, but this may not always be the case. There is also a 1 - 2 Euro charge to use most public bathrooms. What we have found to work better is to visit a caffe (these are called "bars" in Italy, which is where we get the term "barista") and order an espresso or pastry that you enjoy right at the counter. Espressos and pastries also cost 1 - 2 Euros, and after buying something, it is acceptable to use their restroom.